[Eril-l] ALCTS Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group - ALA Annual 2019 in Washington, D.C
Davidian, Christine
davidian at rowan.edu
Mon Jun 17 10:40:53 PDT 2019
*Please excuse duplication*
Please join the ALCTS Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group meeting at the ALA Annual 2019 in Washington, D.C. The program can also be found at https://www.eventscribe.com/2019/ALA-Annual/fsPopup.asp?Mode=presInfo&PresentationID=519413 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.eventscribe.com-252F2019-252FALA-2DAnnual-252FfsPopup.asp-253FMode-253DpresInfo-2526PresentationID-253D519413-26data-3D02-257C01-257CSai.Deng-2540ucf.edu-257C1b0d0504f67248b3ebaf08d6efde85b2-257Cbb932f15ef3842ba91fcf3c59d5dd1f1-257C0-257C0-257C636960136345107825-26sdata-3DqlJGxMkgeK1waIFD4lIwECnFj5cB4Va-252FI35CwA71VCA-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMGaQ&c=QzRQJlHx0ZTYmlwGx7ptjrPEeuNmnYRxm_FN73lod7w&r=BRe1VW3fL2q4P17WIep9_bG2e4aYFFSn9fr1fKz-etg&m=wv7qsqLokPLYSawQknOQRb1ylDxXyTuROwl64uRzX2U&s=WH1ann0pX_4iQmEX8CX1SNzhXIucNhTVfvps8jLexkI&e=>
Time: Saturday, June 22, 2019, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Marriott Marquis, Monument room
1. Mind the gap: developing Fundamentals of Metadata to meet the development needs of technical services professionals
In this presentation, the speakers will discuss how their experiences as cataloging and metadata practitioners and managers led to their successfully conceiving, developing, and implementing Fundamentals of Metadata, the newest web course in the ALCTS "Fundamentals Of..." series. The presentation will focus on how the speakers identified the need for metadata instruction within the professional community, will give a brief overview of the course's concepts, and will discuss how aspects of cataloging culture (e.g., affinity for the "right" answer) appear within the Fundamentals of Metadata classroom. The speakers will conclude on a forward-looking orientation, focusing on how metadata education can help technical services staff develop comfort with ambiguity to be successful in emerging descriptive environments to meet changing user and resource needs.
Since launching in 2017, nine sessions of the course have sold out, with participants from around the world. The speakers are eager to share what they have learned about cataloging and metadata education through developing Fundamentals of Metadata and to learn about metadata instruction needs from session participants.
Presenters: Jennifer O'Brien Roper, Ivey Glendon
2. Leveraging existing expertise to deliver training: NCSU's experiment with MarcEdit training
As NCSU increasingly streamlines our cataloging and acquisitions processes, more of the work of the Acquisitions and Discovery department (Technical Services) becomes managing and cleaning up data in various guises (spreadsheets, MARC, relational databases). While there were a few staff using MarcEdit and working with batch data, we felt that all staff in the department could benefit by learning about what MarcEdit could do, and becoming familiar with some of the basic functionality of MarcEdit. I will discuss how we created a series of six training workshops for the department, developed and delivered by staff and librarians from the department.
Presenter: Lynn Whittenberger, Associate Head, Acquisitions & Discovery
NC State University Libraries
3. Re-org, Retreat, Reach out - How We Make Technical Services Successful!
The University of Illinois at Chicago Library recently reorganized its Resource Acquisition and Management (RAM) Department to create a highly flexible structure with evenly distributed staff and resources. Reorganization was necessitated by staff retirements, increasing workload in electronic resources, and collaborations with the Digital Services Department in managing non-MARC metadata for digital collections. Success in this transition was achieved through the modification of staff duties and facilitation of increased cross-training and collaboration among RAM internal units. This presentation will cover our plan and techniques for cross-training and increasing collaboration between units and working groups. In addition to cross-training within RAM units, we will also describe our plans to work with external departments, which were laid out as strategic goals from this year's departmental retreat.
Presenters: Mingyan Li, Gwen Gregory, Kavita Mundle, William H Midgley
University of Chicago
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kristin Flachsbart & Suzhen Chen (RPLTS-IG Co-Chairs)
Sai Deng & Christine Davidian (RPLTS-IG Co-Vice Chairs)
Christine Davidian
Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian
Rowan University Libraries
201 Mullica Hill Rd
Glassboro, NJ 08028
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