[Eril-l] Google Drive and Proquest

Tim Pellett pellett at maine.edu
Mon Feb 4 11:08:17 PST 2019

Anyone having trouble exporting to Google Drive or Google Classroom from

Getting a 404 error that says "

The redirect URI in the request,
https://search-proquest-com/googleoauthcallback, does not match the ones
authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs,

Have tried adding the following lines with the PQ stanza so that the proxy
does not rewrite that GD url to something that Google does not recognize as

NeverProxy apis.google.com
NeverProxy googleusercontent.com
NeverProxy google.com
NeverProxy googleapis.com

Tim Pellett · Library Support Specialist · Maine InfoNet, University of
*207.581.3086* · tim.pellett at maineinfonet.org · support.maineinfonet.org
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