[Eril-l] Collections Work Survey - Invitation to Participate (second call)

Stephanie Davis-Kahl sdaviska at iwu.edu
Thu Aug 1 09:19:02 PDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those who have already participated in the Collections Work
Survey! I have 49 completed surveys so far, and would love to hear from
more of you. I recently took on oversight of collections at my institution,
and even though I've been a librarian who has done collection development
for 20 years, leading collections is a whole different ballgame. This
survey is one way I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the rapidly
changing area of collections management. Below you will see the full
invitation, as well as a link to a pdf with the survey questions. If you
have the time, I would deeply appreciate your input.

Thank you for your time and help!

Full invitation to participate:

You are invited to be a participant in a research study
<https://bit.ly/31ZdAcj> about priorities, strategies, and challenges
related to library collections in order to explore and identify trends and
patterns in libraries that are not members of the Association of Research
Libraries (ARL). This survey explores priorities, practices, and
perspectives on the future of collections work at non-ARL institutions.

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey that
consists of the following sections: Local Collections; Investing in Open;
Funding & Collections Projects; Collections Data & Marketing; Consortial
Relationships & Interlibrary Loan; Big Picture Questions, and Demographics.
This survey is expected to take about 20 minutes to complete.  You can
download a copy of the survey questions here

Participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you can choose to
exit the survey at any time. The Institutional Review Board at Illinois
Wesleyan University has approved this study.

If you have any questions about this study, please contact me at
sdaviska at iwu.edu.

If you are willing to participate, please click on the link

Thank you for your time and help!

*Preview: https://bit.ly/2FCPgDj
**Survey: https://bit.ly/31ZdAcj

Stephanie Davis-Kahl
Collections & Scholarly Communications Librarian
Professor, The Ames Library
Illinois Wesleyan University
Office Hours <http://libguides.iwu.edu/prf.php?account_id=13436>, Research
and Course Guides <http://libguides.iwu.edu/prf.php?account_id=13436>
my publications <https://works.bepress.com/stephanie_davis_kahl/>
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