[Eril-l] FW: Discovery System/ILS comparison charts

Donley, Leah donley at bnl.gov
Wed Nov 7 06:32:15 PST 2018

I'm realizing that I didn't word my question very well.  That being said the responses I've received so far have been very helpful!

I'm hoping for a form, maybe a chart or question-based (or perhaps something better that I'm not thinking of!) that we can use while evaluating the various platforms to compare their various features and functionality.  So something that will allow us to compare the nitty gritty (and big picture) functionality as it relates to our local workflows.  The feedback I received from staff after the demos we saw was helpful, but not very focused.  We're a small staff and somewhat specialized in our roles so I'm really interested in being able to compare how each product would work beyond "I really like this" or don't like this and not really looking at the details (although the initial gut reactions are of course helpful too).

Thanks again,

Leah Donley
Research Library - Building 477
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Tel: 631-344-7469
Email: donley at bnl.gov<mailto:donley at bnl.gov>

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Donley, Leah
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 11:15 AM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] Discovery System/ILS comparison charts

Has anyone used a comparison sheet/chart etc. when looking at Discovery Systems and/or Library Services Platforms?  I'm looking for something to guide us and organize our thoughts as we utilize various platform trials from different vendors.

Thank you,

Leah Donley
Research Library - Building 477
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Tel: 631-344-7469
Email: donley at bnl.gov<mailto:donley at bnl.gov>

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