[Eril-l] Share your thoughts on new Entitlement Registry

RUIZ Nuria Nuria.Ruiz at ed.ac.uk
Fri Jul 20 09:04:17 PDT 2018

With apologies for cross-posting.

If you work with e-resources and have to deal with subscription entitlement information, please consider answering our survey.

Some of you will be aware that EDINA at the University of Edinburgh have developed an Entitlement Registry, an online service to help libraries and publishers manage and agree a shared view of entitlement. Librarians periodically raise queries about entitlement to subscription content; this new service is designed to mitigate those issues.

Librarians can upload locally-maintained entitlement records and evidence of subscription, such as invoices. Publishers can provide feeds of entitlement information so that librarians can easily access publisher-maintained information through a single portal. The goal of the Registry is to streamline current processes and improve clarity for both librarians and publishers.

We’re gathering feedback ahead of a planned launch in late Autumn. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete, and you can sign up to receive preview access and test the current beta implementation.

The survey is online here: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/entitlement-registry-survey-july-2018

Entitlement Registry survey: July 2018<https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/entitlement-registry-survey-july-2018>
Online survey BOS

Please respond by 10 August 2018.

Many thanks in advance!

Best wishes,
Service Manager, EDINA
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