[Eril-l] IET announces increases in impact factors across journal portfolio for second year running

Jones,Caroline carolinejones at theiet.org
Mon Jul 2 07:43:22 PDT 2018

* Apologies for cross-posting*

IET announces increases in impact factors across journal portfolio for second year running

Journals from the Institution of Engineering and Technology have achieved significant increases in their impact factor ratings for the second year in a row, with seven seeing a rise of over 30%. In addition, IET Control Theory & Applications and IET Renewable Power Generation are now in the top quartile of their respective categories.

Speaking of the announcement, Vincent Cassidy, Head of Academic Markets at the IET, said: “We are thrilled to see the continued growth in the quality of our journal portfolio. This is testament to the ongoing efforts made by our editorial boards and in-house editors and publishing staff to ensure that we attract and publish the best quality research in our fields. We would like to extend our thanks to our editorial boards, our authors and readers for their support and advocacy.”

Key findings from the report include:

* 83% of IET journals saw an increase in citations
* 7 journals saw a rise in impact factor of over 30%
* IET Control Theory & Applications moved into the top quartile of categories Engineering, Electrical & Electronic and Instruments & Instrumentation
* IET Renewable Power Generation moved into the top quartile of Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
* IET Biometrics moved up 21 places in the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence category
* IET Communications moved up 31 places in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering category

Titles which achieved the highest percentage increase in rating include:

* IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation – 47%
* IET Nanobiotechnology – 41%
* IET Communications – 36%
* IET Image Processing – 34%
* IET Biometrics – 33%

Giles Grant, Director of Knowledge Services at the IET, added: “The IET recognises the importance of investing in its journal portfolio to provide high quality outlets for research in engineering and related disciplines. Over the last few years, we have reviewed and revised our publishing strategy to not only deliver the publications our research community wants but also to provide the necessary support and guidance across the research workflow. I am delighted to see the fruits of this work reflected in the results published this week.”

For more information about the IET Journals portfolio, visit the IET’s digital library: https://www.theiet.org/resources/journals/index.cfm

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E: hkellett at theiet.org


* Apologies for cross-posting*

Caroline Jones
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T:  +44 (0)1438 767 238
E: carolinejones at theiet.org

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