[Eril-l] Feature Films for Education and off campus access on Chrome

Katherine Hill kmhill6 at uncg.edu
Tue Feb 13 11:33:45 PST 2018

Hi all!

We at UNC at Greensboro just purchased a new collection of films from 20th
century fox.  We can view all the videos from off-campus just fine in all
other browsers except Chrome.  In chrome we are seeing this error:
{"severity":2,"category":6, "code":6001, "data":[]}

Is anyone else having issues?  We are trying to identify if it is something
with setup on our end (which is seeming unlikely) or a problem on the
browser/vendor side.


Kate Hill
Electronic Resources  Librarian
University of North Carolina at Greensboro Libraries
Email: kmhill6 at uncg.edu
Phone: 1-336-334-4300
Make an Appointment with me: https://kate-hill.youcanbook.me/
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