[Eril-l] Springshare Products Down?

Wentz, Erin erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
Tue Apr 24 05:15:58 PDT 2018

Good morning, all,

We are currently unable to sign into most of our Springshare products. (LibGuides, LibAnswers, LibStaffer.) We can sign into LibWizard. The Springshare website appears to be down too.

Is anyone else having issues with Springshare? I just reported to the email addresses I have on file, but I am wondering if the messages will be received if all is down.

Thank you,


Erin Wentz
Electronic Resources Librarian, Assistant Professor
Library and Learning Resources
MCPHS University
179 Longwood Avenue | Boston MA 02115
erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
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