[Eril-l] Nominations Due Soon! Celebrate Innovation with ALCTS’s ProQuest Coutts Award for Innovation

Richardson, Rebecca A rarichar at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 15 15:52:54 PST 2017

Do you know someone whose work represents the finest achievements and leadership in collaboration and innovation? Celebrate their accomplishments by submitting a nomination to the 2018 ProQuest Coutts Award for Innovation!

The Collection Management Section (CMS) of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) honors an individual and/or group whose electronic resources management achievements could include, but are not limited to:
·        Building and managing new types of electronic collections and materials
·        Addressing selection issues and processes for electronic resources
·        Creating effective organizational structures for the workflow management and development of electronic resource collections
·        Increasing visibility, discovery and user access to electronic library resources

Past award winners include:
·        Corey Halaychik for his leadership in improving workflow management in both the licensing of electronic resources through the University of Tennessee master agreements program and for co-founding The Collective.
·        Benjamin Heet for demonstrating an extraordinary commitment to innovation in his work developing and promoting the open-source CORAL Electronic Resources Management system.
·        Jill Emery & Graham Stone for their work on the TERMS (Techniques for Electronic Resource Management) and OAWAL (Open Access Workflows for Academic Libraries) projects, which crowd-sourced the creation of best practices for managing electronic resources, and exemplify innovative practices for the worldwide library community.

The award is presented during the American Library Association Annual Conference, and the recipient receives a citation and a $2,000 award generously donated by ProQuest.

Nominations and supporting materials are due December 1, 2017 and should include:
·        Name, address, phone number and email address of each nominee and nominating party.
·        Formal statement of nomination that includes a rationale, and a description of any projects that the nominee has initiated and successfully completed.
·        Additional letters of support and endorsement from others that provide additional evidence of worthiness of the nominee.

Self-nominations will not be accepted. Current employees of ProQuest and its subsidiaries are not eligible for the award.

Please email nominations to: Jennifer Peters, chair, ProQuest Coutts Award Jury: Jennifer.peters at rockhurst.edu<mailto:Jennifer.peters at rockhurst.edu>

Additional information is available online at http://www.ala.org/alcts/awards/profrecognition/couttsinnovate<http://secure-web.cisco.com/16i8HWSJst6Yn1NXcpQ7047zHKCFKf5xHFk-jWLhTABm7LNOBNBDFRubPGvLqcyvJpNaseFvuYlFSWDuXoWr-_lj1-6KUewxRmvmkSkE7YTooCkVhwQsgPI6hHrC4Qoqa0yigfQS0pCt2DnMhWoHCdn-gyBxIdxP4nyFNMtGgcHLpeHVq2fQjttRYH0C9-sVnWqx6h5-3SNtZX8Jq0v-A3su8NYkcuDzs5D1h4LN_OOX26netfCESx7X1F9lJqOjKob0s0_gOdsFqUlCqrH5lc4PTcadxS5btyr0o3JCu1NqVOltVGPoB6WzNcgT6cy53TsqgEoMZmqadCIQADTQivhZayKJixkfz6n71NEjaLHA/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ala.org%2Falcts%2Fawards%2Fprofrecognition%2Fcouttsinnovate>

Rebecca Richardson
Assistant Dean for Collections & Access
Purdue University Libraries
(765) 494-9250

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