[Eril-l] Innovation in Libraries Grant Applications Now Being Accepted!

Robin Champieux champieu at ohsu.edu
Wed Mar 1 15:49:55 PST 2017

Hello colleagues,

The Innovation in Libraries Awesome Foundation is now accepting applications: http://www.awesomefoundation.org/en/chapters/libraries.

The first round of applications will be accepted through 15 March. New grants are awarded monthly through Aug. 2017, starting the 1st of the month and closing the 15th of the month.

We’d welcome submissions from colleagues on this list that are looking to get an exciting and creative project off the ground!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions!



Robin Champieux, MLIS
Scholarly Communication Librarian
Ontology Development Group
Oregon Health & Science University
champieu at ohsu.edu<mailto:champieu at ohsu.edu>

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