[Eril-l] Join us for a discussion on Text and Data Mining at ALA

Duggan, Lori Lynn lbadger at indiana.edu
Fri Jun 16 11:16:22 PDT 2017

**Please Excuse Cross-Postings**

Please join the ALCTS CRS College and Research Libraries Interest Group on Sunday, June 25 from 8:30-10 at McCormick Place Room W181b for a discussion on Text and Data Mining: facilitating our researchers' needs in the 21th century.   This session should help electronic resources librarians, collections librarians, reference librarians, data management librarians, and publishers understand issues surrounding text and data mining (TDM) practices. The program will feature three presentations followed by a Q&A.

Christine Stamison, Director of the NERL Program at the Center for Research Libraries

As the technology for consuming data has become more robust we have seen an emerging trend of researchers regularly wanting and expecting to perform TDM on a number of electronic resources. This trend has not only changed how libraries are restructuring/re-educating staff but has also affected how libraries negotiate new terms and conditions for electronic resources.  Christine will share her licensing experience related to securing text and data mining rights for her members.

Hui Hua Chua, Collections & User Support Librarian from Michigan State University
Text mining services are often focused on expert users or researchers in specific areas such as the digital humanities. Michigan State University Libraries took a different approach with the LexisNexis Web Services Kit. The Libraries created a powerful web-based interface to provide all campus users unmediated access to search and download news content from the LexisNexis corpus for text mining. This presentation will provide an overview of why this resource-intensive access method was selected, the implementation process, and insights from two years of system use.

Patricia Feeney, Product Support Manager at Crossref
Patricia will provide an overview of the metadata available through Crossref's REST API, and how it can be used to help automate text and data mining.

Additionally, our interest group is seeking one volunteer to serve a two-year term as Vice Chair in 2017 and Chair in 2018.  If you are interested, please send an email to Lori Duggan, incoming chair of CRS CRL IG (lbadger at indiana.edu<mailto:lbadger at indiana.edu>). Find detailed information about the IG at http://www.ala.org/alcts/mgrps/crs/grps/ats-serdgrl<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_alcts_mgrps_crs_grps_ats-2Dserdgrl&d=DwMFAg&c=jrLYy3FV6j9HoN3FfGW-SLJoSRpiMyAzztY4B1tagEk&r=QHOS41lGZ5Qz7y3KTm6owD_P_D3gE5fGfkz76Luq9EM&m=quO43Tsxl3J_ge8u4_CBypsq-m5Gd3Js_txvK2uNApI&s=6fkbieSbShaWkx0P-tH8h5j_YEPf1uqc6a6xwNB3krc&e=>.

Andrea Imre

Lori Duggan
Vice Chair, CRS CRL IG

Andrea Imre
Electronic Resources Librarian
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Morris Library - MC6632
605 Agriculture Dr
Carbondale, IL 62901
phone: 618-453-4339
fax:  618-453-3452
e-mail: aimre at lib.siu.edu<mailto:aimre at lib.siu.edu>

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