[Eril-l] ASCLA upcoming online learning

Melissa Tracy mtracy at ala.org
Wed Aug 2 11:47:21 PDT 2017

**apologies for cross posting**

Please direct all questions to Jennifer Cross, ASCLA Web Services Manager at jcross at ala.org<mailto:jcross at ala.org>.

  *   September
     *   "Build your Professional Brand and Get Published"<http://www.ala.org/ascla/online-learning/build-your-professional-brand> eCourse 9/5/17
This course is intended for librarians who want to share their library expertise through publications, including books, magazines, blogs and other media. The content in the course will help librarians develop their personal brand by leveraging their knowledge into writing that benefits their brand and the profession as a whole. Members of ASCLA are a diverse group of information professionals that have the ability to serve the library community through writing about their experiences and professional recommendations to colleagues.

The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)<http://www.ala.org/ascla/>, a division of the American Library Association, offers convenient, year round online learning opportunities to further your knowledge and career skills. ASCLA's online courses and webinars focus on topics related accessibility and outreach to underserved patrons as well as topics related to state and specialized libraries, prison libraries, library cooperatives and library consultants. ASCLA members qualify for discounted registration rates including discounts on group registrations. Courses and webinars are open to the public.

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