[Eril-l] ER&L 2017: 1 Extra Day to Submit, Voting

Bonnie Tijerina bonnie.tijerina at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 08:36:40 PDT 2016

Submit a Session to ER&L 2017 by Wednesday 10/12.

We've just added one more day to submit in response to the 2017 Call for
Proposals. The deadline is Wednesday 10/12 at Midnight Eastern for
Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L 2017)

Great submissions have come in already, and we see many solid draft
submissions in progress. In response to a few requests for a little extra
time, we've added an additional day this week to submit.

*Community Voting Starts Monday!*

After the Wednesday deadline, ER&L will conduct a blind peer review by
committee and also open community vote. ON MONDAY 10/17, you’ll see the
open invite on ERiL, our website and social media to vote on the 2017

To submit a session for ER&L visit: https://www.

Thank you for submitting!

Elizabeth Winter, Chair

Bonnie Tijerina, Conference Coordinator

ER&L Program Planning Committee

ER&L 2017, the 12th Annual Electronic Resources and Libraries is in Austin,
Texas at the UT Austin Conference Center and will take place April 3-5, 2017.
Housing and Early Registration are currently open. Visit
electroniclibrarian.org <https://www.electroniclibrarian.org/>.
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