[Eril-l] Access issues with Ancestry Library Edition and WAM

Alejandra Nann ajsnann at sandiego.edu
Thu Nov 3 07:36:44 PDT 2016

Hi everyone,

We have a subscription to Ancestry Library Edition and currently use WAM.
We're having a lot of issues accessing Ancestry Library Edition and
ProQuest Tech Support is stumped. If you have a subscription to it and use
WAM and are able to use it without issues, I would really like to use what
URLs you use in your WAM. You can email me outside of the listserv:
ajsnann at sandiego.edu

Thank you,

*Alejandra Nann*
*Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian*
Helen K. and James S. Copley Library
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492
Phone: (619) 260-7724
Fax: (619) 849-8301
ajsnann at sandiego.edu
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