[Eril-l] State of research resources, 2016

Leonard, Elisabeth Elisabeth.Leonard at sagepub.com
Mon Mar 14 14:19:43 PDT 2016

With the advent of new technologies and fresh ways of researching and learning, the information landscape has really changed. This survey builds upon, and hopes to update, the research that resulted in the State of Reference white paper (http://studysites.sagepub.com/repository/binaries/pdfs/StateofReference.pdf).  It consists of  15  questions about how your library regards and collects research resources, as well as 5 demographic questions.  Your responses will be confidential, but a summary of what we learn will be provided at a future date.

I hope you will take time to share your thoughts on this topic!  The survey is available here:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MKN66LK .  It will be open for 4 weeks.  If you are not the right person to take this survey, please do forward the invitation to a colleague.

For questions, please contact Elisabeth Leonard at elisabeth.leonard at sagepub.com<mailto:elisabeth.leonard at sagepub.com>.

Please accept my sincere appreciation to all who took the time 3 years ago and my appreciation for all who will take the time now.


Elisabeth Leonard, MSLS, MBA
Executive Market Research Manager
Online Products Team
SAGE Publications, Inc.
2455 Teller Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
elisabeth.leonard at sagepub.com<https://webmail.sagepub.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=MpzbatirDUiOusqQ0EGGLyfc0jCSzM8InZ4GvvzlD3hR-yvrD2nb_JvFAvVhCxc8Ae20N5s3HFc.&URL=mailto%3aelisabeth.leonard%40sagepub.com>

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