[Eril-l] SAGE Research Methods has moved

Gamboa, Camille camille.gamboa at sagepub.com
Thu Jul 28 08:46:14 PDT 2016

*Apologies for cross-postings*

SAGE Research Methods has now moved to a new and improved platform found at methods.sagepub.com

The new platform was designed after feedback from our current customers and from usability tests. It features improved searching and a responsive design for better viewing on mobile devices. Customers can find more information, including a checklist of recommended action items that need to be completed, here: http://ow.ly/Dh8k3013LnL.

The old platform is no longer available. If you have any questions, please feel free to email: librarymktg at sagepub.com<mailto:librarymktg at sagepub.com>.

Thank you,
Camille Gamboa
SAGE Publishing
camille.gamboa at sagepub.com<mailto:camille.gamboa at sagepub.com>

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