[Eril-l] LITA Spring Online Learning Opportunities

Molly K Beisler abeisler at unr.edu
Wed Jan 6 08:56:35 PST 2016

Registration is Now Open<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_learning_online&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=62F_HEYr5MfFUjrc4To4nKxBCvJNRq5VdbkiHDU8fYw&e=> for any of 3 webinars and 2 web courses. Check out the great line up.

Webinars<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_Template.cfm-3FSection-3Dolweb-26Template-3D_Conference_ConferenceList.cfm-26ConferenceTypeCode-3DX&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=72GwtfzEE3Cc-rG6dOtK0XWMhgoYKCBQ42QrCXiCAEw&e=> are one time sessions lasting 60 to 90 minutes.

How Your Public Library Can Inspire the Next Tech Billionaire: an Intro to Youth Coding Programs<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_youth-2Dcoding-2Dprograms&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=dhYVjxvPVXQka_w6EQf9hpTUdK5ElFDu5aj41sDQjQ8&e=>, with Kelly Smith, Crystle Martin, and Justin Hoenke
Offered: Thursday March 3, 2016, Noon Central Time
Kids, tweens, teens and their parents are increasingly interested in computer programming education, and they are looking to public and school libraries as a host for the informal learning process that is most effective for learning to code. This webinar will share lessons learned through youth coding programs at libraries all over the U.S. We will discuss tools and technologies, strategies for promoting and running the program, and recommendations for additional resources.

The Why and How of HTTPS for Libraries<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_https-2Dfor-2Dlibraries&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=c8STjwGucnA9OUkQLk8VO3RDWDYYZCpoyi4z2PHB8_s&e=>, with Jacob Hoffman-Andrews
Offered: Monday March 14, 2016, 1:00 pm Central Time
As more of our library browsing occurs over the Internet, the only way to continue to preserve patron privacy is to make sure that the library catalog and database traffic that travels between a web browser and a server remains encrypted. This webinar will discuss how encrypted websites work, and demonstrate exciting tools from the Electronic Frontier Foundation that make it easy to encrypt library websites by default.

Yes You Can Video<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_yes-2Dyou-2Dcan-2Dvideo&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=qLJNoAIbjEXUucXk4eFTew7F3C8zFKDbk3R3r1oqrm8&e=>, with Anne Burke, and Andreas Orphanides
Offered: Tuesday April 12, 2016, 1:00 pm Central Time
Have you ever wanted to create an engaging and educational instructional video, but felt like you didn't have the time, ability, or technology? Are you perplexed by all the moving parts that go into creating an effective tutorial? This webinar will help to demystify the process, breaking it down into easy-to-follow steps, and provide a variety of technical approaches suited to a range of skill sets. They will cover choosing and scoping your topic, scripting and storyboarding, producing the video, and getting it online. They will also address common pitfalls at each stage.

Web Courses<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_Template.cfm-3FSection-3Doloc-26Template-3D_Conference_ConferenceList.cfm-26ConferenceTypeCode-3DL&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=KyXmxM5ww-BLWvH7Tc9pgEG4R0r8fKcoMz1OK1C4Lu0&e=> use a multiple week asynchronous format.

Which Test for Which Data: Statistics at the Reference Desk<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_which-2Dtest-2Dwhich-2Ddata&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=46RU_dE2EyHbypU48l7L0sDmNo9aZaRTcxmg_39gCio&e=>, with Rachel Williams
Starting Monday February 29, 2016, running for 4 weeks
This web course is designed to help librarians faced with statistical questions at the reference desk. Whether assisting a student reading through papers or guiding them when they brightly ask "Can I run a t-test on this?", librarians will feel more confident facing statistical questions.

Universal Design for Libraries and Librarians<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_universal-2Ddesign&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=SfI2L4NdmVGSwBXeBS9l4Vs3qlBP-e5lSbTaaJUY8AA&e=>, with Jessica Olin, and Holly Mabry
Starting Monday April 11, 2016, running for 6 weeks
Universal Design is the idea of designing products, places, and experiences to make them accessible to as broad a spectrum of people as possible, without requiring special modifications or adaptations. This course will present an overview of universal design as a historical movement, as a philosophy, and as an applicable set of tools.

Sign up for any and all of these great sessions today<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ala.org_lita_learning_online&d=BQMF-g&c=jifKnBYnyVBhk1h9O3AIXsy5wsgdpA1H51b0r9C8Lig&r=GQgUZGPd0swWIqmNyJ8jdQ&m=Ndn8HMyKEJdClgZox6CoeFgcqFSl7mEct_4l0PwIIUw&s=62F_HEYr5MfFUjrc4To4nKxBCvJNRq5VdbkiHDU8fYw&e=>.

Questions or Comments?

For all other questions or comments related to the course, contact LITA at (312) 280-4269 or Mark Beatty, mbeatty at ala.org<mailto:mbeatty at ala.org>.


Molly Beisler
LITA Education Committee
Head, Discovery Services
University of Nevada, Reno
abeisler at unr.edu<mailto:abeisler at unr.edu>

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