[Eril-l] Electronic Resources Interest Group at Midwinter 2016

Martin Knott amuro at umich.edu
Mon Jan 4 09:39:23 PST 2016

Please join us for the ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group (ERIG)
Meeting at ALA Midwinter for three presentations on three varied aspects on
electronic resources in libraries.

Saturday, January 9, 2016
1:00-2:30 pm
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Room 102B

Tips for Negotiating Text Mining Rights For Your Researchers
Monica Moore, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Notre Dame,
mmoore18 at nd.edu

The library plays a critical role in supporting researchers by securing the
rights to text mine institutionally-licensed content, or by modifying
existing license provisions to accommodate the methodology that best
supports their research. Negotiating these rights can be challenging, since
each research project has different goals, methods, and content needs, and
these needs may require agreements from multiple content providers. This
presentation will describe two projects at the University of Notre Dame
which required text mining negotiation with various vendors. The second
half of the presentation will translate these experiences into
recommendations on how to analyze text mining requests from faculty
members, and will also include a list of resources for audience members to
help them support such requests at their own institutions.

A Continuum of Approaches to Managing Open Access Resources
Robert Heaton, Electronic Collections Librarian, Utah State University,
robert.heaton at usu.edu

The Open Access movement strives to alleviate major world problems by
making current, peer-reviewed research available to anyone with an Internet
connection. But at the same time, it creates new problems for libraries,
their collections, and their users: reduced quality assurance for content,
new and complex business models, journal proliferation because of lower
barriers to entry for small publishers, and questions of link rot and
digital archiving. While librarians' grasp on Open Access issues is
growing, practitioners are not always aware of the choices available for
managing that area of their collections. This presentation presents a
continuum—a graphical annotated bibliography—of approaches to managing Open
Access collections, including strategies for collection management,
resource assessment, user education, and vendor relations, with their
accompanying tradeoffs of time, money, and ideological commitment.

Connecting Electronic Resource Use with Student Success
Nathaniel King, Director of Library Services, Nevada State College,
Nathaniel.King at nsc.edu

Nevada State College is matching EZProxy log data with student data from
its Office of Institutional Research. This collaboration allows them to
determine electronic resource use patterns by academic level and
discipline. They can also determine if library use correlates with proxies
for student success. In this session, Nathaniel will present findings from
his library’s first year of EZProxy log data and he will discuss the
process for analyzing the data and outline future directions.

Martin L. Knott
University of Michigan Library
Head, Electronic Resources and Database Management Section
(734) 763-9529
amuro at umich.edu
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