[Eril-l] Invitation to contribute to Electronic Resources Forum column published in Serials Review

Pennington, Buddy D. penningtonb at umkc.edu
Thu Dec 1 14:40:09 PST 2016

I am a co-editor of the Electronic Resources Forum column published in Serials Review. For the first 2017 column, I am looking for contributors to discuss how they have applied the NASIG Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians<http://www.nasig.org/site_page.cfm?pk_association_webpage_menu=310&pk_association_webpage=7802> to the workplace. Topics can be anything from revising job descriptions, training and transitioning staff into new roles, effective communication with other departments, etc.

If you are interested in contributing to the column, please contact me off list.

Thank you.

Buddy Pennington
Director of Collections and Access Management
University of Missouri--Kansas City
308 Miller Nichols Library
800 East 51st St.
Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
penningtonb at umkc.edu<mailto:penningtonb at umkc.edu>
UMKC Libraries<http://library.umkc.edu/>

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