[Eril-l] 91st Annual PTPL Meeting Registration Now Open!

Mark Winek mdw65 at georgetown.edu
Thu Sep 17 06:59:21 PDT 2015

***please excuse any cross posts


October 23, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Montpelier Room
James Madison Memorial Building
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20540

Early Bird Registration: $130 (ends October 1)
Standard Registration: $140 (after October 1)
Student Registration: $110
Membership Only: $20
Register at http://potomactechlibrarians.org/event-1977637


Keynote: "Quia Faciendum Est: Because It Must Be Done"
Dorothea Salo
Faculty Associate
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jackie Shieh
Resource Description Coordinator
George Washington University Libraries

Nancy Fallgren
Metadata Librarian
United States National Library of Medicine

Linda Wen
Associate Law Librarian
Washington College of Law at American University

Breakfast and lunch are included.

For registration and other conference information, visit the PTPL website:

NOTE: Due to government regulations, registration payments can not be
accepted at the venue. Please prepare to pay online or mail a check to the
PTPL Treasurer.


Submitted to the PTPL Membership via email, September 17, 2015.

The Advisory Board of the Potomac Technical Processing Librarians (PTPL)
hereby notifies the membership of a proposed change to the bylaws, to be
decided upon by the membership at the 91st Annual Meeting on October 23,

Colossal shifts in technical services over the past 30 years, especially
with collections moving from print to electronic, have reduced the use of
the term “processing” to describe functions or the librarians who perform
those functions.  As the organization seeks to remain relevant to all
librarians who perform technical functions, the Advisory Board seeks the
input of all current members. Members will be encouraged to vote for one of
the two proposed names, to vote for their own write-in option, or to elect
that the organization maintain its current name.

The name currently set in Article I of the bylaws is the “Potomac Technical
Processing Librarians” (acronym: “PTPL”).  The Advisory Board proposes two
alternative names: “Potomac Regional Technical Services Librarians”
(acronym: “PRTSL”) or “Potomac Technical Services Librarians” (acronym:

Authorization for this proposed change to the bylaws is provided in Article
XV of the Bylaws of the Potomac Technical Processing Librarians, adopted
December 6, 1947, as amended:

“These bylaws may be amended or suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the
members present at the annual meeting provided that notice of any proposed
amendment was sent to each member, either by U.S. Postal service or email
at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting.  No proxy (absentee)
ballots will be accepted.”

The membership present at the 91st Annual Meeting on October 23, 2015 will
be asked the following question by secret paper ballot:

*In the proposal to change the name of the organization currently known as
the Potomac Technical Processing Librarians (PTPL), as established in
Article I of the Bylaws, I select*

*[Enter X or check mark in the appropriate box]*

_* Potomac Regional Technical Services Librarians (PRTSL)*
_* Potomac Technical Services Librarians (PTSL)*
_* No Change*
_* write in: *

Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual Meeting and come into
effect February 1, 2016.

Questions about the proposed name change or about the ballot may be
directed to Mark Winek, Chair, at mdw65 at georgetown.edu. Questions will also
be fielded at the Annual Meeting prior to balloting.
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