[Eril-l] Stable, direct links to all of the volumes of the Dictionary of Literary Biography (Gale)

Tina Herman Buck tinabuck at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 06:28:04 PDT 2015

Greetings all,

We separately catalog the many volumes of the Dictionary of Literary
Biography (the online resource from Gale). Now, all of our existing 856
links go to the DLB advanced search page rather than to the individual

>From the DLB Title List page, one can click a title, and then click
"Bookmark" to get a pop-up with a title-level URL, but that's a one-by-one
process and there are hundreds of volumes. We're hoping for a complete
title list with their individual URLs. Has anyone found this? Gale provides
lots of other title lists with URLs but I haven't found DLB.

An email to Gale support yielded a response that they would contact
development and get back to me when there's new info to pass along which
doesn't sound promising.



Tina Herman Buck
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Central Florida Libraries
P.O. Box 162666
Orlando, FL 32816-2666
Phone: 407-823-0448
Fax: 407-823-6289
Tina.Buck at ucf.edu
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