[Eril-l] Early Program Access, Workshops @ ER&L 2016

Bonnie Tijerina bonnie.tijerina at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 10:20:29 PST 2015

ER&L 2016 Preliminary Program Search Tool Now Available!

Electronic Resources and Libraries announces the release of the 2016
preliminary program search tool. Have the first look at the ER&L
sessions... even before final presentation times have been assigned.


#erl16 Workshops Descriptions Released.

ER&L offers a great lineup of half-day workshops on Sunday and Wednesday of
the conference.


ER&L’s  workshop committee has put together some great courses for your
professional development. Take 4 hours and deep dive into:


   the latest developments in copyright & its impact on library
   collections, and how copyright can help promote and expand library

   an intentional and informed approach to using social media to promote
   e-resources to library community. develop a social media plan, learn how
   to optimize e-resources for social media sharing, connect with community,
   and assess their efforts, all tailored for your organizational capacity.

   a plan to support students in creating a course content student
   affordability program on your campus! Get up to speed on your options
   and leave with an informed framework to implement a plan to support
   students with affordable resources at your library.

Early Registration Available for a Limited Time.

Register NOW to attend the conference at the early rates, extended through
before December 8. Flexible options to attend in person, online, in
combination with Designing for Digital (April 6-7, 2016, colocated with


Bonnie Tijerina

ER&L Conference Coordinator

ER&L 2016, April 3-6, 2016
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