[Eril-l] Job Posting: Tennessee Technological University - Digital Access and Discovery Specialist

Adams, Stephanie sjadams at tntech.edu
Wed Jan 7 09:39:24 PST 2015

Tennessee Technological University invites applicants for a newly created Digital Access and Discovery Specialist position in the Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library.  The complete job description is available at the following URL and the application screening date has been set for January 15, 2015:

www.tntech.edu/jobs<http://www.tntech.edu/jobs> (Search for Posting Number: 100656)

Thank you,

Stephanie J. Adams, MSLS
Electronic Resources Librarian/Assistant Professor
Angelo & Jennette Volpe Library
Tennessee Tech University
(931) 372-3545
sjadams at tntech.edu<mailto:sjadams at tntech.edu>

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